What to Expect in Couples Counseling
Before meeting in person, we’ll have a brief discussion by phone about your main concerns and share how my approach can benefit you. We’ll also talk about the details of scheduling, fees and any other questions you have about the therapy process. The initial meeting will be with you as a couple. Before the initial appointment you and your partner will receive an email with a link for you to complete intake paperwork through the client portal. Following the first session, we will meet with each of you alone for one session in order to learn more about you as individuals. This gives us a chance to ask about your family of origin and any behavioral concerns you have about yourself or your partner. After, we will then resume meeting as a couple. When meeting with couples our general goals are to help you:
- Identify the negative cycle that leads to and maintains conflict
- Promote emotional connection by helping you express the sensitive, vulnerable emotions and needs that have been difficult to express
- Renew and reinforce your emotional and physical closeness in your day to day lives together
What to Expect in Co-Parenting Counseling
Before meeting in person, we will have a brief discussion with one or both parents by phone about your main concerns. We’ll also talk about the details of scheduling, fees and any other questions you have about the therapy process. The initial meeting will be with both parents together. Before the initial appointment you and your former partner will receive an email with a link for you to complete intake paperwork through the client portal. Following the first session, we will meet with each of you alone for one session in order to learn more about you as individuals. After, we will then resume meeting as parents continuing to work through the challenges you present.
Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you;
He will never let the righteous be shaken.
Psalms 55:22