Great marriages just don’t happen, you must lay a strong foundation. We use Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Assessment (SYMBIS) which is a custom road map to create strong, satisfying and sustainable marriages. The SYMBIS Assessment is built on a growing mountain of research that reveals what is most effective when it comes to dating relationships, pre-marital and marriage education. The main component of the program is an online assessment you each can complete in about 35-40 minutes. It explores a full range of issues – from relatively simple and static dimensions such as longevity of the relationship, critical skill-sets such as communication, and all of the complexities of joining two sets of personality dynamics. SYMBIS Assessment covers more than two-dozen particular dimensions based upon research studies that we will utilize to:
- Identify strengths and growth areas
- Explore personality traits
- Strengthen communication skills
- Resolve conflicts and reduce stress
- Compare family backgrounds
- Comfortably discuss financial issues
- Establish personal, couple, and family goals
Of course, some of these issues deserve more time and attention so we will drill down on issues of particular relevance to your relationship or marriage.