Blended families, divorce and remarriage are very common but the needs of each are unique. Bringing the new couple together as instant family with stepparents, stepchildren and all other family members can be challenging. This challenge is compounded if you are carrying hurts and fears that stem from your previous relationship or marriage. Your relationship may face all the same challenges of most couples like disconnection, communication issues and overbooked schedules. Additionally, as you try to make time to develop your new relationship, you must also consider co-parenting with ex-partners, taking care of your children and/or your partner’s children and attending to the needs of your extended family. You might be overwhelmed trying to understand each individual’s unique feelings and needs along with trying to meet your partner’s needs. Bringing two families together can seem nearly impossible or feel like a mistake. There is hope! We can provide a custom road map to navigating all the moving parts, establish structure and boundaries within and between your families. We will assess the family system, identifying issues, and help you work toward solutions. Improving communication, adjusting expectations, and increasing emotional connection can all be part of the healing journey for your new relationship, marriage and your family. You can explore and discover new ways to navigate conflict, practice effective communication and create greater balance for everyone involved. Our extensive knowledge of parenting plans and co-parenting structure can guide you in the process to create a blended family that is uniquely and beautifully yours.